23 Sept 2015

Term starts and the lurgy begins!

Having managed to survive three whole days of the new academic year I've already managed to pick up some filthy bug. I got that horrible sinking feeling when a scratchy throat in the morning began to turn into wanting to fall asleep at my desk. Manflu, the most debilitating illness of all!  Hopefully it will clear in a few days and I can keep on with training with it as I'm looking forward to the BADTri running track session tomorrow evening. Looking forward is probably the wrong description, it's more like releif knowing the suffering will be worth it. These sessions are brilliant at pushing my pace that bit faster and I'm hoping it will pay off when I run the Cardiff half in a couple of weeks and I can get a new PB.

Anyway, this blog needs some food. Feeling like death, I thought I'd have something tasty for dinner. I managed to throw together some, steak, sweetcorn, veg, and homemade chips. I failed miserably in photographing the whole meal, but the chips are pretty awesome. I froze par-boiled wedges for emergencies just like this, and they taste so much better than soggy filth you often get.
Lovely Home Made Chips!

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