17 Apr 2016

it's a sprint not a marathon

This was always going to be a busy week, I'm back teaching again and my coursework is due often meaning panic stations for the students. Proposals for our PhD students are due and to really stick the boot in we're due to have annual reviews, they're already 18 months late, meaning filling in lots of forms about what I'm doing, what I will be doing and how I will be doing it. That being said, I've been working on a conference proposal for MIMS 2016 in Amalfi.  We're developing some models for non-linear elastic helical lattice systems, it similar to the work I published earlier this year, but is basically allowing us to tailor the way a structure deforms.  I also went up to Manchester for my Grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. I'm not a huge fan of the Royal family, I think the French had the right idea, but they received a letter similar to what you get for turning 100. 

Royal Endorsement
The road bike replacement saga continues. It's taken my lawyers a month to fill in one form and post it to the other parties insurance company, clearly they are an efficient bunch. Its probably cost a ridiculous amount in legal costs to get this far - My "litigation expert" is paid about £15k p/a and is being charged out at £175 per hour (£364k p/a) .... somebody is getting rich out of this, it isn't me and it isn't her.

The BADTri club championship kicked off with the Burnham-on-Sea super sprint - 250m (pool), 10km, 2.5km. These races are just a bit of fun, and while I want to do well I'm not really breaking my training to compete in them. Driving up and down the M5/6 probably wasn't the best way to prepare for a race, meaning I was pissing around with my bike putting elastic bands on my shoes and elastic laces in my runners the night befre - I think this really does go against the nothing new on race day. Still, getting to carb load with pies is a plus.
You can take the man out the north...
The race at Burnham was a success. The lane swim worked well as all three of my wave were pretty much on the same split,  I might invest in a full tri-suit as my half-and-half seemed to be a bit draggy in the water. I was out the water in about 3:40ish and out the pool building in 3:52. I think my top is probably a size too big,  when I bought it my fat gut was poking out and I went for modesty rather than tightness, its fine under a wetsuit and on the bike, but you notice it in the water on its own. Allegedly I had the fastest swim split for my age category, I don't know how, but if it was true I'll take that as a mini sign of success.

Into T1, I know the routine, belt, helmet, glasses, bike. Then I hear HELMET, HELMET, HELMET FIRST! The guy next to me from  my wave is saving me,  I'd gone to unrack my bike without putting anything else on. Fuck! Concentrate! So on the second attempt I'm on my way and out of transition, jump on the bike and get pedalling - flying squirrel - that went better than expected. First foot in, good keep pedalling, next one now. NOOOOOO! What have I done that for! I'd pulled the strap out of the buckle - idiot.  Stop stop stop, shoe off, nearly fall over, foot in shoe, strap on and go. Dammit, that cost me a minute or so, ah well back on the rivet and keep pedalling. The bike route was three times up and down the esplanade, a flat mile route and felt good. My elbow is still sore from my bike accident, but the adrenaline kicked in and I managed to hang onto the tri-bars.  I was passed by a couple of people on TT bikes, but managed to pass quite a few people myself. Three laps later and 19:27, dismount was good and into T2. 

T2 was better than T1, but running with my bike I couldn't find my mount point as we were running the opposite way from the way out. Simple tasks seem so much more complicated when your running! Elastic laces worked well and I was off and away for the run. The legs felt a bit like jelly but I was feeling fairly good. Round the corner the off down the beach. Success I just overtook someone - that never happens. OK, just keep going, stay relaxed, its only 2.5km. My run felt slow but I ran under 4:40  per km.  I also wasn't being passed like usual, picking the right spot in the sand helped and before I knew it I'd hit the end of the beach and was up onto the esplanade. Right almost there, as the finish came into view I saw a couple of people ahead of me. Bit of a kick and I'd chased them down - Water! Haribo! Medal! 
BADTri colours and first tri medal of 2016
I finished in the top half for my category I thought I'd be somewhere around the 35 -37 min mark and I finished in 37:27 so I'll take that given the fucking about I had on the bike and in transition. I really enjoyed the race and I felt a lot more competitive over this distance, I think a flat bike and a relatively short run works in my favour. I also like the fact that its more about hammering it than pacing along with no worrying about food, drink. 

TimeSplitBehind (cat)Pace (min/km)Place (cat)Place (race)Place (gender)

So what to do after a race? Recovery drink? Healthy meal? Not according to Ironman.  Clearly all I need is the Ironman sandles and I'll be as quick as the pro's! Who buys this crap? 
"Recovery sandals that will take your training to the next level" What utter bollocks!

11 Apr 2016

Back to BUSiness

Ah Bristol buses, the reason I commute by bike. Well why I did until my bike got flattened. Having taken my bike to the shop the Bianchi is no more, a crack in the fork and frame means I am without something to commute on which SUCKS! Rather than a 25 min commute my journeys into work are now at least 1hr. I don't mind running home, but running in is a pain in the arse. When will I get my bike replaced, who knows? I'm not eligible for a replacement as its not a vehicle ... apparently, even though I commute and if I buy something without an agreement in place I could end up without getting my money back, or two bikes (n+1)? Hopefully my case will be sorted soon but with an estimate of 3-6 months I probably shouldn't hold my breath. In the mean time maybe I should just buy a replacement. 

Replacement Bike?

Having begun to feel closer to normal following my bike accident I've been trying to get back into the swing of proper training.  I'm still not 100%, I'm having trouble getting comfortable on the tri-bars, which is annoying as before I was quite happy sitting on them for extended periods. I also noticed I can't do squats without my knee hurting, so I've had to cut that out of my weight training for the time being, no point pushing it. Hopefully these things will resolve themselves soon, unfortunately it's not going to be in time for my first race next Sunday.

The race on Sunday is a super-sprint at Burnham-on-Sea, whilst this isn't an "A" race for me I'd still quite like to put in a half decent effort. I've bought some tri-shoes and elastic bands, so we shall see if the flying squirrel mount works or, more likely, I just end up making a tit of myself. Either way it will be a bit of fun. I just hope the weather warms up a touch before hand. Hopefully I'll get my splits and an idea of where I'm at. 

Last Thursday I got a pb for 5000m but only because it's not a 5k. 12.5 laps of the track... Sounds easy enough. I'd hoped to run sub 21, ideally sub 20, but in the end I only managed to scrape under 22 min. My splits were fairly consistent, 

0:46 - 200m

much more even than the fast 5k in November but a touch slower. I don't think I was ready to race as my legs felt pretty rubbish even at the start. The next fast 5k is coming up soon so I might try and run that again to see if I can actually get under 21. I've also bought a Sufferfest FTP video, so I'm hoping to have a crack at that sometime soon, then I can compare after more solid cycle training.  I got my first bit of silverware for the year having won the Engineering Departments Watt-bike Challenge 5 mins maximum distance, I think I averaged 330 Watts. I'd like to think I can get this quite a bit higher with some training. I need to do it when I'm not tired or planning to race which seems like never at this point in time.

First silverware of 2016